How to install ProcessDiffraction

  1. ProcessDiffraction is running on IBM compatible personal computers under Windows95/98, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 8 and Windows 10 or compatible operating systems.
  2. Uninstall previous version of ProcessDiffraction if you happen to have one.
  3. Click Download belowSelect a temporary directory in your computer for destination. A file named Startme.exe will be downloaded.
  4. Extract the setup files by running Startme.exe. Select the same temporary file for the destination of extraction.
  5. Run Setup from the same directory. Accept the offered destination directory (\Program Files\ProcessDiffraction). Wait for Setup to complete.
  6. Delete your temporary directory or keep the installation files as you wish.
  7. You may consider citing the publications below whenever you use ProcessDiffraction.
    [ Lábár JL: "Electron Diffraction Based Analysis of Phase Fractions and Texture in Nanocrystalline Thin Films, Part I: Principles", Microsc. Microanal. 14 (4) (2008), 287-295]
    Lábár JL: "Electron Diffraction Based Analysis of Phase Fractions and Texture in Nanocrystalline Thin Films, Part II: Implementation", Microsc. Microanal. 15 (1) (2009), 20-29]

    Lábár JL: "Electron Diffraction Based Analysis of Phase Fractions and Texture in Nanocrystalline Thin Films, Part III: Application Examples", Microsc. Microanal. 18 (3) (2012), 406-420]
    [JL Lábár: "Consistent indexing of a (set of) SAED pattern(s) with the ProcessDiffraction program", Ultramicroscopy, 103 (2005) 237-249].
  8. Please report any problems or suggestions to

Download Related Literature 

Download ProcessDiffraction Version 8.7.1 (without examples)

Download Example Files to Manual 

Download Operating Manual V8

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Previous Schools on ProcessDiffraction:

2008, Budapest (Hungary)

2009, Zakopane (Poland)

2015, Racławice (Poland)

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